1. Question Analysis
You must first understand the question to know exactly what the examiner is looking for. One of the biggest mistakes students make is not answering the question properly. If you do not answer the question fully, you can’t score higher than a Band 5.
In order to do this, you must first identify the question type, then identify the keywords in the question and finally identify the instructions words in order to find out what the examiner wants you to do with the question. We will look at these skills in more detail below.
2. Planning
The students who get the highest marks plan before they write and they often plan for up to 10 minutes. Planning helps you organise your ideas and structure before you write, saving you time and helping you write a clear essay.
3. Introduction
In the essay introduction, you should start by repeating the question. This does NOT mean that you should COPY the question.You should write the question again, but using different words that mean the same thing (synonyms). As soon as you have restated the question, then give your opinion on the subject.This gives the examiner an overview of what is to come in your essay.
4. Main Body Paragraphs
This is where you give the examiner more detail. You do this by stating your main points and supporting these with explanations and relevant examples.
5. Conclusion
To finish off your IELTS task 2 essay, you need to summarise your whole argument as a conclusion.
Essentially, this means that you give your opinion again that you stated in the introduction.
That’s it you’re done!**
Personality Development
Personality development:
Personality development can be defined as the evolution of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person unique. Personality development occurs by the existing interaction of temperament , character, and environment.
Things to remember:
• Be yourself. Never try to copy anyone else. Be positive and confident about your own personality.
• Learn to communicate well, improve your English speaking skills.
• Understand the difference between confidence and arrogance. To show your confidence you don’t need to be rude to anyone.
• Make a plan in your life and try to live life according to that.
• Be a good listener, let others speak their thoughts and listen them carefully in a discussion. Otherwise you cannot make them speak while you are talking.
• Be the owner of a clean mind, body and attitude. The owner of a charming personality with a clean mind can win worse situations.
• It is good to be a hard worker but it is better to work smart. Try to be productive and enjoy your work.
• Be calculative about spending time and money, both are precious.
• Be gentle and polite, but at the same time be firm while organizing something. Don’t let anyone take advantages of your politeness.
• Be helpful to others.
• And most important, be honest in your personal and professional life.
Hope this will help you to understand what is personality development and also help you to obtain sharpness in your personality.